Monday, May 12, 2008

Questions for discussion (part 1)

As a way to kick off discussion on this blog, here are a few "starter questions". Feel free to respond to these questions by commenting on this post.
  1. What problems are unions facing on your campus?
  2. How have state cuts to higher education impacted labor struggles on your campus?
  3. What groups of workers on your campus are unionized, and which unions do they belong to?

Notes from Labor Notes Conference 2008

Here are the notes from the campus workers group meeting at Labor Notes . . .

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Welcome to the Higher Ed Labor Blog

Hello everyone. A few of us created this blog to continue the discussion from the Campus Workers' Interest Group at the Labor Notes Conference in April 2008.

If you'd like to create a post on this blog, please send an email to the following address , and then the blog administrators will post it for you.

If you'd like to be a regular contributor to this blog, again, please email with your request, and the blog administrators will give you posting permissions on the blog.